The official music video for gwendolyn dot's 'placenta et al' from thealbum 'mystic responsibility'
'Unfiltered here' she says. 'Luscious real-ness' For me she is calling attention to a Real. But a polymorphous real where change is the truth and that change is at once beautiful, raw, savage and cyclical.
I was hanging around Gwen a lot before I made this video. We connected thru our art, discussing it, talking about how to make it, and what we wanted to put into the world via our work. In a lot of ways this work is a love letter to that artistic connection told thru the lens of a music video. I wanted to make vivid the relationship I had with not just one song but her music and the concepts within it she was exploring that I found fascinating, arresting, and universal.
In my own work, I am drawn conceptually to ideas about change and particularly, the minutea of change that I see as the process of relationship to the Real. One thing Gwen has done for me as a friend is to challenge my point of view on the mystic. We don't always agree on what it is or how it should be approached but for her I wanted to pull back from my conceptual realist instinct and as I was making continually ask myself; If I step thru that real into the sublime without thinking too much about it... Where will it lead? I remember when she told me the title for her album was 'Mystic Responsibility' I thought. That's exactly right.